Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Was A Witness

A friend's bag was stolen last June 23 while we were playing at Timezone in Megamall. I didn't see how it got lost 'coz I was concentrating on winning the third race. Indeed, I won. But a friend's loss was what would make this day unforgettable.

I didn't witness the crime. But what I witnessed was just as significant.

While we were in the process of identifying the suspect, I couldn't help but get mad. Just as I was beginning to trust people again, something like this would happen. As a nation, we are dealing with the same problem of trust. What is happening? How could people hurt each other just like that? I was starting to get disillusioned again, reminding myself to be cautious of the individuals I come in contact with everyday and not to trust easily even if they have the most angelic face.

But the two individuals I was with made me think otherwise. The world is full of pain and negative things. But there is just as much - or even more - goodness.

Having gone through a process like this twice before, Yellow 4 could have let go of the suspect and tell our friend to leave it the way it is. Nothing would be recovered. We'd all get our rest. Meanwhile, Pink 5 was on her way home. She went back when she found out what happend to our friend. She had no idea that this was gonna be a long night. They both stayed for our friend.

The greatest love is to lay down one's life for a friend.

They didn't actually give up their lives for our friend. But they sacrificed a lot. They gave up a night's comfort with all its routine.

I didn't witness the crime. But I witnessed a version of the greatest love.

To Yellow 4 and Pink 5 (if ever you get the chance to read this), it is such an honor and pleasure knowing you. I'm sure our friend feels so blessed to have you during that night. As for me, I'm thankful for the realization of God's goodness through you. I hope that more people will realize this too. You are a blessing.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Something finally went right...

It was in the year 2000 when my life took a sudden turn.

My life before then was ok. The problems I was faced with were not even considered problems by others. I was among the top students in school. I had a complete family. I had different groups of friends. Everything was provided for me.

Then the most unexpected happened. In a span of 4 years, I lost 3 family members and God knows what else went away with those losses. I could not concentrate on my studies. I lost touch with friends. I didn't know what's mine and what's not so I had to work for what I need and what I want. I started asking the question "God, why me?"

Then I lost hope. Everything I see is black. I couldn't see my purpose. I cried every single night. I learned to do things I vowed I'd never do. Loneliness became a lifestyle. And I didn't care. Nothing seems to be going right...

Then, just as unexpectedly, blessings started pouring in...

As C.S. Lewis said, "Pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world." I was practicing my religion, but I was lacking in faith. God was probably teaching me a lesson. A lesson He made sure I would not forget.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.

God has set a race for each one of us. And each person runs and ends it differently. We are faced with a choice: to run God's race, or the rat race. We all do exactly what we decide to do; we are the sum of our decisions. We can choose our own way, but we cannot choose the consequences. What is important is that we run the race of God - not just for ourselves. Without God's wisdom, we can do nothing. Without Christ, we are nothing.

Today, 5 years later, I feel blessed more than ever. I am surrounded by people who never left me through my darkest moments and even though I was really hard on them. I am now able to recognize life's simple joys and enjoy them with new friends. And I now believe that every good thing in my life - my accomplishments, achievements - is the handiwork of Someone powerful and loving.

"Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through, use it for your Glory..."