Sunday, June 26, 2005

Something finally went right...

It was in the year 2000 when my life took a sudden turn.

My life before then was ok. The problems I was faced with were not even considered problems by others. I was among the top students in school. I had a complete family. I had different groups of friends. Everything was provided for me.

Then the most unexpected happened. In a span of 4 years, I lost 3 family members and God knows what else went away with those losses. I could not concentrate on my studies. I lost touch with friends. I didn't know what's mine and what's not so I had to work for what I need and what I want. I started asking the question "God, why me?"

Then I lost hope. Everything I see is black. I couldn't see my purpose. I cried every single night. I learned to do things I vowed I'd never do. Loneliness became a lifestyle. And I didn't care. Nothing seems to be going right...

Then, just as unexpectedly, blessings started pouring in...

As C.S. Lewis said, "Pain is God's megaphone to a deaf world." I was practicing my religion, but I was lacking in faith. God was probably teaching me a lesson. A lesson He made sure I would not forget.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.

God has set a race for each one of us. And each person runs and ends it differently. We are faced with a choice: to run God's race, or the rat race. We all do exactly what we decide to do; we are the sum of our decisions. We can choose our own way, but we cannot choose the consequences. What is important is that we run the race of God - not just for ourselves. Without God's wisdom, we can do nothing. Without Christ, we are nothing.

Today, 5 years later, I feel blessed more than ever. I am surrounded by people who never left me through my darkest moments and even though I was really hard on them. I am now able to recognize life's simple joys and enjoy them with new friends. And I now believe that every good thing in my life - my accomplishments, achievements - is the handiwork of Someone powerful and loving.

"Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through, use it for your Glory..."

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