Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I'm happy now; happier than I was 5 years ago
and happier than I was 5 months ago.
Would I want it any other way?

I don't like it when some people think they know
what's right for me;
as if that would make me happy
and as if that would make everything right again.

Do not tell me what to do directly,
not even indirectly.
But if you insist on doing the same,
bear this in mind:
I am not encouraged.
Instead,I am reminded of how sad I felt then,
how hurt and offended I was then,
how betrayed I felt then,
how stupid I felt then.
I could have been healed by now, you know.

But it's not all bad.
I could thank you for a lot of things.
And when I'm grateful,
I let you know about it.
I make sure you know you're appreciated.

Maybe this has a purpose...
Maybe it's just me trying to find my niche,
if I may call it that.
Maybe it was not meant to be.
It could be a lot of other realizations,
I don't know.

What I do know now is that I'm surrounded by people
who listen and understand,p
eople who believe in me
and people who value my presence and existence.
And I have a bestfriend who's worth
a hundred friends more.
Need I ask for more?
Do I seek for what's already lost?

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